The Registration Form is now available online. Please take the time to submit this form for each child before attending a Registration Event on July 19th, July 20th or July 21st!
- You will need to fill out a separate form for EACH child attending High Point Academy during the 2016-2017 school year.
- We strongly recommend that you fill out this form online before you come to complete the registration process for your child in July.
- PLEASE NOTE: Filling out the online Registration Form does not complete the registration process. You will still need to attend a registration event at the school on one of the following dates:
Tuesday, July 19, 2016 from 12:00-8:00pm
Wednesday, July 20, 2016 from 12:00-8:00pm
Thursday, July 21, 2016 from 8:00am to 12:00pm
*Please note that all HPA families are required to attend registration on one of the dates above. If you do not attend registration, or make arrangements with the office staff to complete this process, your child will be removed from our class list and their spot will be filled by another child on the wait list.
Come Prepared
Our goal is to make registration run smoothly for each family. Please read the list carefully to make sure you have everything you will need to register. New families were required to submit some of this information when enrollment was offered. Please bring any additional items below that you have yet to submit. If you are missing something at registration you will not be able to register until you return with the required items.
[twocol_one]NEW Preschool Students
- Copy of immunization records
- General Health Appraisal: Must be completed by student’s doctor (available on our website)
- Student’s doctor and dentist contact information (name, phone and address)
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- First Months Tuition Payment
- Activity Fees ($25 per student)
- $10 deposit for lunches (unless family participated in Free and Reduced Lunch Program last year)
- General Health Appraisal: Must be completed by student’s doctor (available on our website)
- Student’s doctor and dentist contact information (name, phone and address)
- Activity Fees ($25 per student)
- First Months Tuition Payment
- $10 deposit for lunches (unless family participated in Free and Reduced Lunch Program last year) PLUS any lunch balance owed from the previous year
NEW Kindergarten – 8th Grade Students
- Copy of Immunization records
- Student’s doctor and dentist contact information (name, phone and address)
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Activity Fees ($50 per student)
- $10 deposit for lunches (unless family participated in Free and Reduced Lunch Program last year)
- Full Day Kindergarten Only: First Month’s tuition payment of $275
- Middle School Athletes Only: General Health Appraisal (for middle school students planning on participating in athletics at HPA)
RETURNING Kindergarten – 8th Grade Students
- $10 deposit for lunches (unless family participated in Free and Reduced Lunch Program last year) PLUS any lunch balance owed from the previous year
- Activity Fees ($50 per student)
- Copy of TDAP Immunization record for 11-12 year old students (required by student’s 12th birthday)
- Full Day Kindergarten Only: First month’s tuition payment of $275
- Middle School Athletes Only: General Health Appraisal (for middle school students planning on participating in athletics at HPA)
General Health Appraisal (required for all Preschool students and 6th through 8th grade athletes)
Please print the General Health Appraisal form and complete before coming to registration. Parents/guardians must complete the top of the form and your child’s doctor must complete the bottom section. This usually does not require an appointment, but is up to the doctor’s discretion. The information on the General Health Appraisal can be completed using the information from your child’s most recent appointment. The completed form must be brought to registration!
Free and Reduced Lunch
We ask ALL families to apply for this program as there are many benefits both for families as well as opportunities for further funding for the school. Many families assume they will not qualify when in fact they would. If your family does qualify for reduced or free status it will assist your family with discounts for various programs. You can access the Free and Reduced Lunch application here.
Supply Lists
Supply lists are now available, click here to view and print your child’s school supply list. Please ensure you are looking at your child’s grade, as the lists differ for each grade level.
Student Testing
All K-8th grade students are required to sign up for and attend a testing time!
Student testing will take place Wednesday, August 10 from 9am to 3pm. All K-8 students are required to attend student testing prior to starting school on August 15. Sign-ups for testing times will take place at registration.