High Point Academy takes community involvement seriously. We’re proud to call these organizations our community partners.
ANet (Achievement Network)
Learn MoreANet is a values driven organization that partners with school leaders to provide assessments, coaching and instructional support that transforms student learning.

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
Learn MoreAVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) fosters a safe and open culture, high expectations for teachers and students, and collaboration in all classrooms. The organization believes teachers are inherently passionate about education. AVID helps teachers shift from delivering content to facilitating learning, resulting in an inquiry-based, student-centric classroom. These elements are at the core of our approach to closing the opportunity gap. (Image of results attached)

Alpine Waste & Recycling
Learn MoreWe partner with Alpine Waste & Recycling to turn our food waste into organic compost. This partnership allows us to make a positive impact on the environment and gives our students daily, hands-on experience in practicing sustainability. In 2011, HPA composted almost 43,000 pounds of food waste.

Charter School Institute
Learn MoreThe Charter School Institute (CSI) is our authorizer. Along with 22 other Colorado charter schools, we belong to their “district,” just like an individual school in Denver is part of Denver Public Schools.

Colorado League of Charter Schools
Learn MoreWe’re a member of the Colorado League of Charter Schools, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of charter schools in our state. Our partnership with the League highlights our commitment to high levels of student achievement.

Catapult School Leadership
Learn MoreHigh Point Academy works with Catapult School Leadership to develop leadership capacity and connect with other dynamic and innovative schools. Catapult School Leadership has worked with dozens of schools through Colorado and has a proven track record helping schools achieve at the highest levels.

Denver Preschool Program
Learn MoreWe proudly participate in the Denver Preschool Program, an organization that provides tuition credit for parents and quality improvement resources to preschools. The program is open and voluntary for all Denver children the year before they enter kindergarten.

Educators for Social Responsibility
Learn MoreWe began a partnership with Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR) in 2011, and we’re already learning invaluable skills. A national leader in school reform, ESR provides professional development, consultation, and educational resources to adults who teach young people in preschool through high school.

EL Education
Learn MoreSchool can serve a higher purpose and be a place where students of all backgrounds and identities have the power to exceed the highest standards — as scholars and as community members. When students enter adult life, they will be celebrated not for their performance on basic skills tests, but rather for the quality of their work and their character. That’s why EL Education builds students’ capacity for three dimensions of high achievement: Mastery of Knowledge and Skills, Character, High-Quality Student Work.

Empowering Education
Learn MoreEmpowering Education (EE) has developed an engaging and experiential curriculum that focuses on five goals: increased self-awareness, increased social awareness, improved self-management, improved relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Through our partnership with EE, we’re bringing their Realizing Empowered, Achieving Lifestyles (REAL) curriculum to select middle-school students.

Far Northeast Principals Leadership Council
As a school in the far northeast region of Denver, we’re part of the Far Northeast Principals Leadership Council, a group of 18 schools in the area that meets monthly to identify ways to better serve students and parents in our community.

Fully Liberated Youth (FLY)
Learn MoreIn all we do, we aim to create a healthy and safe environment, one that represents full restorative justice and instills hope. In doing so, we have witnessed young people re-identify their worth and goodness, and ultimately cultivate transformation for themselves and their communities.

Grades of Green
Learn MoreWe recently joined forces with Grades of Green, a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring and empowering kids to care for the environment. We’re committed to their five initiatives: environmental education, trash reduction, emission reduction, global outreach, and the three R’s of reduce, reuse, and recycle.

High Point Educational and Community Foundation
Learn MoreWe’re grateful for our relationship with the High Point Educational and Community Foundation, a local organization created to support our school. A percentage of each land sale, home sale, and commercial building sale in the High Point community is directed to the Foundation. In turn, the Foundation makes these funds available to High Point Academy. The Foundation has provided over a million dollars in donations since 2005 for school supplies, sports equipment, teacher performance pay, and facility improvements.

JDO Foundation
Learn MoreJDO facilitates global classroom collaboration enabling students to become accomplished, well-informed digital citizens. This organization’s mission is to have these experience transcend geographic, cultural, socioeconomic are religious parameters.

Public Education and Business Coalition
Learn MorePublic Education and Business Coalition works with our teachers to develop curriculum in the classroom. PEBC is a leader in innovative instruction and in shaping educational policy in the state.

Slow Food Denver
Learn MoreIn 2008, we started working with Slow Food Denver, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a food system that is good, clean, and fair. Our partnership with Slow Food has made it possible for us to hold student-run farmers’ markets at our school. These farmers’ markets provide our families with easy access to fresh and affordable Colorado produce.