High Point Academy offers an academically challenging curriculum that results in high student achievement. To accomplish our mission, we have selected strong, research based curriculum and instructional methodologies. Specific programs and curriculum include:
- Our rich and engaging curriculum aligns to the Colorado State Standards and Common Core Scope and Sequence to provide students with a rigorous, yet well-rounded education to support student readiness for high school and beyond; emphasizing 21st century skills of collaboration, problem-solving, and creative thinking.
- EL Education: The EL Education curriculum is based on the Science of Reading, including structured phonics, which empowers all students to read complex grade-level texts and master literacy standards, providing all students with an equitable outcome
- Our math program is Illustrative Mathematics (K-8).
- Strong emphasis on Physical Education and Wellness which is a school-wide focus.
- FOSS Next Generation – STEM Explorative Learning Science Curriculum (K-5): FOSS is built around firsthand exploration of phenomena, using classroom-proven theories and practices to engage all our students. OpenSCIED is the 6-8 curriculum which is aligned to the Colorado state academic standards.
- Social Studies: TCI (K-5) is a hands-on and interactive curriculum to inspire lifelong love of learning and use of teachable moments to bring the curriculum to life. The DBQ Project is the 6-8 curriculum to support critical and inquiry based thinking in social studies alleged with Colorado state academic standards.
- School is about more than just academics. Second Steps and Restorative Classroom gives students the social skills they’ll need to succeed in all areas of their lives.
Standards Based Grading at High Point Academy
At High Point Academy we Reach, Empower, and Achieve. We know our students deeply, we provide exceptional instruction that supports students, and our students achieve at the highest levels. In order to realize these ideals we must do more than report the average test scores of a student over the course of a quarter. A single letter grade for a subject may not communicate enough information about what a student knows and is able to do. Recognizing the challenge of accurately communicating student progress, High Point Academy is moving toward a Standards Based Grading system of assessment and grade reporting. Standards Based Grading is a way of thinking about grading and assessment that more clearly communicates with students and parents how well learners currently understand the course objectives. Rather than totaling points earned on assignments, teachers measure what students know and can do compared against Colorado Academic Standards in each subject area. In a Standards Based Grading system students do not wait until the end of the quarter to learn what their final grade is. Instead, teachers consistently share with students their progress toward a given Learning Target. Students have multiple opportunities to demonstrate their growth throughout a unit of study. In addition, families have a more complete picture of student success through Student Led Conferences and Standards Based Grading report cards that identify student achievement in each of the standards associated with a subject area. When accessing your child’s grades by looking at progress reports, Infinite Campus, and report cards, you will come across some common codes that will indicate your child’s progress in their content classes. These codes are EXC, ACC, DEV, BEG, and INS. See below for some more information about what these codes mean.
Exceeding grade level standards and expectations – Student consistently meets most requirements for exceptional work related to course standards and demonstrates a deep level of knowledge and skill for this point in the school year
Accomplishing grade level standards and expectations – student consistently meets most requirements for proficient work related to course standards and demonstrates grade level knowledge and skills for this point in the school year
Developing understanding of grade level standards and expectations – Student consistently meets some requirements for proficient work related to course standards and demonstrates some grade level knowledge and skills for this point in school year
Beginning to understand grade level standards and expectations – student consistently meets few requirements for proficient work related to course standards and demonstrates little grade level knowledge and skill for this point in the school year
Insufficient evidence has been gathered to indicate an accurate grade
As we improve our instruction, assessment, and grading practices through the use of Standards Based Grading we believe that we will Reach our students, Empower all students, and our students will Achieve their goals for the future.
Colorado Department of Education
The Standards-Based Teaching/Learning Cycle
Click here
We provide a diverse range of specials/elective courses including Spanish, wellness, physical education/fitness, music, art, and technology to ensure development of well-rounded students.
Study Resources
Visit our portal page for all the frequently used links that students may access during the school day. Reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions.
To check your student’s grades, login to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account at this link https://cocloud1.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/highpoint.jsp. Don’t have an account? Contact info@hpastaff.net with your full name, your child(ren)’s full names and grades. Make sure you download the Infinite Campus Parent App! Don’t have the app? Get it here: APPLE GOOGLE