In all of our middle school classrooms we use the following curriculum:
- Reading – Lucy Calkins Units of Study – Readers Workshop
- Writing – Lucy Calkins Writers Workshop
- Math – Agile Mind Online
- Science – Foss/Delta
- Social Studies – History/Social Studies Alive!
- Social/Emotional – Olweus Bulling Prevention Program
Instructional Practices
In all of our middle school classrooms, regardless of grade level and/or content, we teach using the workshop model:
Through a workshop model approach our students are able to have more time on task to ensure that they are getting adequate support and practice time.
Middle School Daily Schedule
Breakfast in the Classroom
All of our classrooms begin their day with free breakfast in the classroom, where they eat together, as a “family” with their advisory group. While in their advisory groups, students engage in a daily gathering. Gatherings usually consist of giving students a prompt to think about and respond to while sitting together in a circle. Each student has a chance to have their voice heard in a safe and secure environment.
Enrichment, the first class of the day, begins once breakfast is complete and the morning announcements over the school wide intercom have ended. This block of time has two outcomes: to catch students up in content that they may have gaps in, or to expand their skills/knowledge in areas to ensure that all students are learning and growing each and every day. Our students may not necessarily be with their grade level/homeroom teacher at this time, but instead will be with a teacher and group of students who are receiving “just right” instruction for their independent needs.
Specialized Teachers
In our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classrooms, the teachers specialize in subject areas. In 6th grade, we have a reading/writing teacher, a math teacher, and a science/social studies teacher. In 7th grade we have a reading/writing teacher, social studies teacher, and a math teacher. In 8th grade we have a reading/writing teacher, science teacher, and a math teacher. Our students spend approximately 70 minutes with each teacher and then move onto the next subject area. Our middle school students also attend specials class each day, PE, Wellness, Art, Music, Spanish, or Technology.
Students also have a 30 to 40-minute advisory class each day. The focus for each day varies. On Mondays students spend time engaging in our bullying prevention program which offers a lesson for each week. On Tuesdays students spend time looking at their grades and setting weekly academic goals. On Wednesdays students have a guided work period that gives them time to work toward the goals set on Tuesday. On Thursdays students engage in a weekly community building lesson that aims to further strengthen the bond of the advisory group. On Fridays students participate in a grade level specific activity, which includes, service learning, guest speakers, or grade level community meetings.

Here at HPA every student in grades 6th-8th has the opportunity to try out for various sports.
Student athletes must maintain excellent academic standing and can have no missing work to be able to participate in weekly games during the season.
The Following Sports Are Offered
- Fall – Flag Football, Girls Volleyball, Cross Country
- Winter – Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball
- Spring – Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Coed Volleyball