Carpool Rules and Procedures
- Avoid the rush! - Don’t forget that you can drop off your child at 7:45 am on the playground and we will have adult supervision.
- Two drop off choices - 1) drive through the carpool lane and drop off your child at the curb; 2) park your car in a designated parking spot and drop your child off.
- The carpool lane is much faster.
- To keep the flow of carpool drop off going, always pull as far forward as you can before dropping your child off.
- Your child must get out on the passenger side of the car.
- Parents need to stay in their car when dropping off their child in the carpool lane.
- Crosswalks – Please use them when walking through the parking lot - there will be staff crossing guards at each crosswalk.
- No U turns, please - If you want to park on the west side of Dunkirk, you must go through the parking lot. You cannot make a U turn on Dunkirk.
- Please follow all posted signs for movement through the carpool line.
- Pick up is at 3:00 pm. Please be prompt so that you are at the front of the carpool lane.
- If you need to pick up your child from school early, the cut off for early pickup will be 2:30 pm.
- We will only do indoor dismissal this year through the PIKMYKID App, unless your child is walking home.
- The carpool lane is much faster.
- To keep the flow of carpool pick up going, always pull as far forward as you can before picking your child up.
- Your child must get into the car on the passenger side.
- Parents need to stay in their car when picking their child up in the carpool lane.
- Crosswalks – Please use them when walking through the parking lot - there will be staff crossing guards at each crosswalk.
- No U turns, please - If you want to park on the west side of Dunkirk, you must go through the parking lot. You cannot make a U turn on Dunkirk.
- Please follow all posted signs for movement through the carpool line.
On days when the temperature, including wind chill, is below 25 degrees, or when the weather is dangerous or wet, we will use an indoor arrival/release system for morning drop-off/afternoon pick-up.
- On indoor arrival days, students will be allowed to enter the building through the wellness doors starting at 7:45 am. Students will be directed to the gym where they will wait with their classmates to be picked up by their teacher. At 7:55am students will be picked up by their teacher and taken to their classroom for breakfast. On indoor arrival days please utilize the carpool lane for kiss and go drop-off. Please remain in your vehicle and allow the staff to help students get out of their cars.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding as we work together to keep everyone safe!